
Learn to Read the Language of the Hands!

Why learn to read hands?

Who best benefits from understanding the body’s language?

Why can our hands be analyzed and interpreted?

Are these features random, magical or the body’s natural way of communicating?

Can health, well being and patterns of behavior be seen in our hand?

Should I expect the reading to be specific to the individual or simply be a list of meanings and character traits common to all humans?

I love to teach and I love to learn. My favorite subject is learning more about our hands and why they can be so accurately interpreted. In recent years science has advanced with studies into fine details of our hands and how they function. Studies into wrinkles in faces and creases in our palms reveal their function and purpose. These research results add confirmation to why palmists have been able to develop systems to interpret human behavior and by seeing the patterns and cycles even project into the future potential events.

Our hands record our reactions and responses to our daily experiences. We are born with preferences and potentials and as we live our lives our experiences combine to form our personality and predictable behaviors. We are our own robot and very programmable by our likes, dislikes, pleasures and pains. We can reprogram ourselves, as well. Self awareness is one of the keys to finding inner and outer balance in our own world.

The other day while thinking about the amazing things our hands can do, it came to me that they are much like NASA’s rover on Mars. Most likely, it was designed to be like a hand with eyes and a mouth too. A sensing device that sends data informing about what it’s up to, what’s found, how it’s reacting to what it found and following directions as to what to do with what it has found. Our hands do that.

Our hands are covered with fields of ridges. Across the mounds and valleys of these fields run our creases like rivers through the handscape. The interaction of these send signals instantly to all the major organs of our body. They instantly receive signals as well, checking for recorded past experiences to prepare for what is sensed. In this way what we see in our hands is a guide on how we are best able to show our emotions, use our mental abilities, express our talents, skills and interests, along with the energy available to take action on our goals.

The various features of our hands relate to a variety of aspects in our lives.  Each of these features carries a message of its own. A signal, a word, an aspect. Each feature can be found in a range of conditions and how it presents itself in each person’s hands. Much like talking, we use words to make sentences and our tone of voice and choice of words give expression and tone, the features of the hands are combined to describe in a very unique and accurate way pretty much how we ‘tick’ and function in our world – and why. Having your hands read gives confirmation to self. Learning to read hands helps you understand why others don’t think exactly like yourself, but have their own way of experiencing the world.

In my classes and workshops you will learn the language of the hands. Once you’ve understood all of the territories and the parts involved and how they combine like sentences you will find it easy to interpret these features into very accurate insights into your self and others.

I focus on teaching the essence of the features. A sense of trying it on yourself in a form of empathy. I show you how to see the differences in the range a feature can express itself. Because of my style of teaching, you won’t be overwhelmed with having to memorize a meaning for each feature, because your understanding of it will allow you to know what it means and to put into your own words a story that matches what you see.

Classes, Workshops and Certification